With 25% of Asia-Pacific’s population actively engaging on social networks, businesses are flooding into the space to connect with potential new customers. OCBC Bank, the longest established Singapore bank, is part of a global network with over 630 branches and representative offices across 18 countries and territories. Since unlocking social media’s potential in the region, OCBC Bank has increased customer engagement and improved customer service, while maintaining the highest level of security.

OCBC Bank uses Hootsuite Enterprise to streamline customer service workflow, while monitoring their bank branches and brand conversations around the globe. Since moving to social customer service and collaborating within Hootsuite, they have decreased their email volume by 90%, increasing customer service resolution times and efficiency, while leaving customers more satisfied.

Moving resources elsewhere, OCBC Bank can now focus on building engagement through compelling campaigns, such as the Korean pop sensation, Girls Generation concert promotion with OCBC credit cards. Launching and managing successful campaigns like this within Hootsuite has helped OCBC Bank become the most followed Singapore bank on Facebook.

How OCBC Bank used Hootsuite to Improve Customer Service:

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