For a lot of business owners, SEO is an afterthought – when it’s even a thought at all. Because many people don’t understand the value of SEO, they opt to go with a marketing plan using platforms that are more familiar, which generally means TV, radio and print. While these outlets shouldn’t be discredited for the results they’re still able to achieve, it’s time for business owners to step up their marketing efforts and begin integrating all the options that are available to them if they really want to get the most for their money and see their goals accomplished.

Don’t Let Your Advertising Money and Efforts Go to Waste

So why is it important to include SEO in your marketing campaign? Think about this: you put together the perfect commercial, a compelling radio broadcast and/or an eye-catching print ad, all of which have a positive impact on consumers and make them want to find out more about your products or services. However, when they actually get around to searching the Internet for that product or service – we all know pretty much everything hinges on a Google search these days – they can’t recall your company name specifically, so they decide to contact the first business they see offering the same thing. Without SEO, your website isn’t likely to be found on the first page of search results, which means your commercial, broadcast or print ad just drove your would-be customer straight into the waiting arms of your high-ranking competitor.

This should not only answer the question of importance, but also show why, instead of being an afterthought, SEO should be at the forefront of your mind as a business owner and utilized as the starting point for a marketing program rather than a last resort.

The Power of Integrated Marketing

The idea isn’t to ditch traditional methods of advertising altogether, but to combine them with digital methods. Integrated marketing – which incorporates TV, radio, print, online banner ads, social media, link building and optimized web design – allows you to connect with a large group of targeted consumers that you wouldn’t be able to reach using just one or two of these approaches. Having your business name work its way through all these different channels is powerful in gaining you brand recognition and also gives you the opportunity to provide additional information about your products or services, and relate with consumers on a more personal level.

SEO Promotes a Call to Action

A commercial or print ad can encourage consumers to pick up the phone and call or stop by, but chances are, they won’t be ready to take action right at the moment your ad pops up in front of them. On the other hand, SEO promotes immediate action through one-click CTAs. For consumers who are searching for what they want on a mobile device and are ready to take the next step toward a purchase or scheduling an appointment, this means they can easily hit a button to call or get directions. With this unavailability in traditional ads, you’re just hoping for a consumer to follow through with their interest at a later time.

The Many Strategies of SEO

SEO is probably best known for its role in link building by publishing unique content, but there are several other ways it can support a marketing program as well. Various SEO techniques can be used throughout the development of websites to ensure visibility in all the search engines, and off-page SEO strategies often include social media and online banner/remarketing advertisements. These both focus on bringing your business an increased awareness of your brand.

The bottom line is that higher search rankings generate more website traffic, which naturally leads to greater conversion rates. The closer you are to landing in the No. 1 spot on each of the major search engines, the better your chances at beating out your competitors, and the most effective way to gain success in this is through an SEO campaign. So before you sign up to do more TV, radio and print advertising, make sure your listings are where they need to be because being on the second page of Google simply won’t cut it.

Homepage image via Optimize Worldwide