Bing is upgrading its quality score, which the search engine uses to gauge how competitive ads are in the marketplace.

The quality score is determined based on three components Bing has renamed as part of the update, which is expected to roll out in the next few days. Landing page user experience, landing page relevance, and keyword relevance will now be known as landing page experience, ad relevance, and expected click-through rate, respectively.

The new terminology, which will update automatically, is more in line with industry standards, allowing marketers to compare their ads across different websites more easily.

Though Bing has changed names within the grading system, the scores will remain the same. Ads will be scored on a scale from one to 10; and new ads will now be evaluated in this way as well. In the past, ads that hadn’t been active for a significant period of time would be given a “-.”

Now, Bing will use marketplace data to give marketers insights into their ads’ performance, allowing them to make any necessary changes early on.
Additionally, the scores will be reported in a way that’s more reflective of what determines ads’ visibility during auctions.

“The upcoming updates only impact how quality scores are reported; our goal is to make it more transparent and easier to use. It won’t have any direct impact on your ad performance,” explained Tina Guo, a Bing Ads program manager, in a blog post.

Bing recommends monitoring keywords and re-evaluating any ads that are scored lower than a six, either by making them more attractive or more relevant to users’ queries and intents.