The official date of Mobilegeddon has come and gone, but the impact of mobile-friendliness for search marketers will still be felt. In this new world order, sites with large, zoom-free readability and buttons, fast load times, and optimized screen resolution will all be table stakes. But, like the hit song from the movie that inspired the name for this industry shift, marketers don’t want to miss a thing when it comes to mobile.

Beyond the site and landing page adjustments, marketers should also be mindful of how to format and align their content for maximum mobile impact and consumption. Consider these six tips:

1. Focus on Clear and Concise Headlines

Compelling headlines are top of mind for any content marketer, but they’re even more critical in the mobile format. Limited real estate on mobile means you need to aim for brevity and make every word count. A good litmus test to do is ask yourself: how would that headline read on Twitter? If you’d click to learn more, then that’s a good sign.

2. Be the “Duke of URL”

In line with this mobile-friendly update, Google also announced plans to update how it displays mobile URLs for a cleaner, more intuitive breadcrumb URL structure and real-world website names that aligns with the Schema structure. Structuring your site data with the rich Schema tags can help improve relevancy, provide clear navigation, and generate more engagement.

3. Follow the Inverted Pyramid

Take a tip from journalists and don’t bury the lead. Don’t make your audience have to do a lot of scrolling to get to the main point. Highlight the key takeaways up front save the extra details for later in the page or skip them altogether. Make sure you’re covering the basics of the five Ws – and if anything, ensure you hit home on “why” this content matters for your audience.

4. Keep Your Paragraphs Short

Large blocks of text can seem daunting on a small screen and may discourage someone from reading all the way through. Keep your paragraphs to only a few sentences to help break up the content or consider using lists or bullets to direct the reader’s eye to where you want it to go.

5. Prominently Feature Your Call to Action

In addition to making buttons more clickable, make your call to action known early on. More importantly, ensure that the desired conversion can be easily made by your mobile audience. On mobile, think in “micro-moments.”

6. Optimize Your Content

Writing mobile-conscious content is your first step, but it doesn’t end there. Monitor and optimize this content to create high-impact outcomes. Here are some elements to pay attention to:

  • Creating and maintaining Meta descriptions that stand out
  • Integrating important keywords in your content as appropriate
  • Formatting your headings in an SEO-friendly way
  • Choosing and optimizing images and tags

It should be noted that a site’s mobile-friendliness is just one of the many signals that factor into ranking. Per Google, “non-mobile-friendly sites won’t disappear from mobile search results — they may still rank high if they hold great content the user wants.” At the end of the day, is about both content and context.

Creating content in a mobile-first era must be a balance of staying on top of the trends while also staying true to your brand and knowing your consumers. Don’t just chase the engine updates but work to understanding them in the context of your business and your audience.