It’s 9 a.m. You’re sufficiently caffeinated (for now), you’ve read the morning’s news, or stock reports, or—lets be honest—gossip, and now it’s time to get cracking! On the to-do list: social media messaging. Huh. What to write today? You’ve exhausted your blog content and your ideas for witty-yet-relevant Tweets are running dry. Now what?

The web is awash with content that you can share to help fill the gaps in your content calendar. But it takes time to find the posts and articles that are going to connect with your audience. And the time you spend on content discovery is time you can’t spend on other priorities.

We hear you. The folks behind the social team Hootsuite are human too, and sometimes we also get “social media writer’s block.” That’s why we created the Hootsuite Suggestions mobile app: the perfect tool to help you discover relevant content on the go.

Download Suggestions app

The Suggestions app recommends high-quality content that you can share with your online audience, and delivers it to your smartphone. You can select the topics you’d like to see recommended to you, or let the app do the work. Suggestions’ algorithm can analyze your profile description and posting history to tailor content recommendations specifically for your channel.

Suggestions home page features a familiar news feed layout that shows the headline, source, and time the content was posted. To get a better understanding of a recommendation in the feed, you can tap on the headline to read the full story.

Suggestions Mobile Full Story

Suggestions makes sharing a natural part of your content discovery process: it only takes one swipe to share the recommended article or blog post to the your chosen social networks. You don’t have to go through a tedious process of copying the URL, opening a separate window or tab with the social networks where you want to distribute it, coming up with a description, and then pasting the link—Suggestions does everything for you. Swipe right if you want to share the content right away, or left, if you want to schedule it for a later time. You can then let the app compose the message automatically, or choose to edit the message to add a personal touch.

Hootsuite Suggestions

The app currently collects 20 suggested articles at a time; once you have reviewed them all, you can send a request for more recommendations by scrolling to the bottom of the screen. The app sends out notifications whenever new content becomes available, so you stay on top of the latest news by incorporating them into your social media content calendar.

Don’t waste another minute on browsing the web in search of the perfect content—let Hootsuite Suggestions do it for you.

Download the Suggestions app today!