At first, spending under half an hour on managing social media may sound like a tall order, especially considering that an average user spends approximately 3 hours on social media per day. Before you commit to the new schedule, analyze your current one: which social media network do you visit first? Do you go through the same steps for each network every time, or prioritize your actions on the spot?

Another important consideration before you create your speedy social media management plan is what social networks your business needs to be on. Time equals money, especially for a small business—each minute wasted on a social network your audience doesn’t frequent is a minute you could spend interacting with your current and potential customers on a different channel. In the sample plan, we will go over the 5 major networks—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Instagram—and steps you can follow with each one.

Instead of dividing your plan by network, we’ve divided it by blocks dedicated to an important social business activity. You may go over the 18-minute mark in the first few tries as you adjust to the new rhythm; but once you familiarize yourself with the routine, you will never waste a minute on extraneous social media activity again. Become a social media management rockstar with this 18-minute-a-day social media plan for small businesses.

18-Minute-A-Day Social Media Plan For Small Businesses

6 minutes: Browse and engage

social media plan for business

Interaction with your customers is one of the most important reasons for your business to make a leap to social media. In fact, 9 out of 10 customers wish to have the ability to have meaningful interactions with brands on social media, but many businesses just aren’t standing up to the task. Your first step in your social media routine, no matter how long it takes at first, should always be to pay attention to your most important audience—your current and potential customers.

On Facebook, Check your Notifications. Like posts shared by your customers about your brand, and reply to any new posts and messages from customers.
On Twitter, Check your Mentions tab to see new interactions and followers. Take time to note inquiries that warrant a response. If you’re still in the process of growing your follower base, thank your new followers.
On LinkedIn, Check and moderate your new Connections. If you published any articles with LinkedIn Publisher, see if there are any comments that need in-depth replies; otherwise, thank people for taking the time to read your post.
On Google+, Check additions to your Circles and give them a warm welcome. See if any of your Google+ content has been shared by others in their Circle, and thank them for sharing.
On Instagram, Check your News tab for any comments or any pictures your product or brand may have been tagged in. Take the time to thank users who tagged you, and take note of photos you can feature on your brand’s own Instagram account.

4 minutes: Monitor

social media plan for business

Once you have responded to people who have reached out to you directly, dedicate some time to see what’s happening in the network that day. Notice trending topics to see if there is any content relevant to your field or your clients.

On Facebook, browse your Feed, and any search streams you have set up for news in your industry, to find out popular stories in your network.
On Twitter, check search streams set up to follow industry news, @mentions of your brand, branded hashtags, and anything else you may have missed in the first block.
On LinkedIn, Check LinkedIn pulse, and any published material through LinkedIn Publisher from people you follow.
On Google+, See what has going on with people in your Circles, and check your notifications.
On Instagram, Check the News tab to see any mentions of your brand. If your business uses any branded hashtags, see if there are any new photos tagged with those hashtags.

Pro tip: Take time to check in on your social networks throughout the day. Often, the difference between a happy and a lost customer is a timely response to a Tweet. Going an extra step, such as setting up alerts for @replies on your mobile phone, allows you to respond to people quickly.

3 minutes: Post

social media plan for business

Post any real-time (non-scheduled) content as needed. If you don’t use a scheduler tool, use this time to post the content you have lined up in your daily plan—and you should always have something interesting and informative for your social media audience, whether it comes to the original content from your business or external articles.

On Facebook, post a resourceful and relevant article, either from your own content team, or shared from a trusted and informative source.
On Twitter, pick a customer Tweet to retweet: look for those that contain images or videos, or a happy customer testimony. Post a Tweet that drives followers to your business’s official website.
On LinkedIn, publish or share a post through LinkedIn publisher.
On Google+, post one piece of original content or share one piece useful external content.
On Instagram, post at least 1 photo a day.

2 minutes: Analyze

social media plan for business

In order to develop an efficient content plan, you need to know what kind of existing content performs best on various social networks. In order to do that, you can use analytics tools that tell you about performance of several social networks at once—such as Hootsuite, or Google Analytics—or use native data tools for each social network. Once you pick your analytics tools, set aside some time to look over your social media reports to make sure you’re on track with your social media goals.

On Facebook, Facebook Insights shows your audience demographics by age, region, and gender; number of Likes, number of monthly active users, and daily likes.
On Twitter, Twitter Analytics gives you information on Tweet activity such as Mentions, Retweets, link clicks and number of impressions.
On LinkedIn, LinkedIn offers analytics on the right side of the page, which includes your profile ranking. See how your published posts are doing, compared to the previous day. If you manage a Company Page, the Analytics Tab provides updates on impressions, clicks, interactions, engagement, and followers acquired. You can also see how your sponsored campaigns are doing.
On Google+, Google Analytics can generate reports for several social media channels, but if you’re using a different tool for your metrics, it helps to test it out at least with Google’s own social network.
On Instagram, while the photo social network doesn’t have a native analytics feature, Iconosquare for Instagram provides insight into everything you may need to know about your account, such as your most liked photos, daily and monthly follower growth numbers, and engagement statistics.

3 minutes: Schedule

social media plan for business
Clock image by Leo Reynolds via Flickr, edits by Olsy Sorokina.

Notice how this is the last block of the 10-minute plan. No matter how much time social media automation helps us save, it’s important that your audience knows there’s a real person behind those Tweets and Facebook messages, and that their comment is worth more than an obviously automated response. Use scheduling to help you curate content for the next day, pick optimal posting times based on your audience’s habits, and find relevant social media content for your channels.

On Facebook, choose storytelling, visually rich messaging. Limit your posts to 1-2 a day.
On Twitter, if you schedule Tweets, make sure to space them out, to avoid being perceived as “spamming” your audience. Include Tweets with different formats—photo, video, different placement of the links—to test which ones perform best. If you are sharing content from an external source, include the appropriate hashtags and @mentions.
On LinkedIn, share content with a more serious tone, oriented to a professional audience, through LinkedIn’s publishing platform.
On Google+, share any news from your business, as well as external content relevant to your business, your field, or may otherwise be interesting to people in your Circles.
On Instagram, plan photo content to complement social media messaging on your other, less visual channels. If you have a campaign or a product release coming up, schedule a photo to spread awareness among a bigger audience. Instagram also presents a great opportunity to give your customers an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at your business and the people who run it.

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