This is an updated post, originally published on the Hootsuite blog on November 25, 2013. 

Research found that 72% of people are more likely to make a future purchase from a business after they follow or interact with them on social. With the largest shopping weekend of the year right around the corner, we want to make sure that your business is ready for the rush.

Here are 6 quick tips to help you generate more sales and increase your social media presence during the holidays using Hootsuite Pro:

6 ways to generate more sales for Black Friday And Cyber Monday:

1. Create specific Twitter search streams for particular items you sell

Create keyword streams to search for people that are looking for deals on certain products (eg. Flat-screen TV). Once you have your stream you can reply directly to those potential customers with all your holiday deals.

Learn how to create Twitter search streams here.

2. Promote and share your Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals

Create buzz or simply promote your deals by posting Instagram pictures of those TVs and other items that you’re selling to your Twitter and Facebook.  Manage the flow of comments and likes of your photos by using the Hootsuite Instagram app.

Install the Instagram app today

3. Post your deals to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus

Do you have multiple exclusive deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but don’t have the time or know when it’s best to tweet or post those deals?

Take advantage of Hootsuite’s Autoschedule feature which selects the best time to send out your message(s) for you.

Alternatively, you can use Bulk Scheduling to bank up to 350 messages in advance of your holiday campaign(s) – freeing up time for you to focus on engaging with your potential customers.

4. Track and measure your holiday results with report templates

Now that you’ve set up your holiday campaign, it’s time to track and measure the results! Use our report templates to easily access Twitter Engagement, Facebook Insights and Summary reports to track KPI’s such as follower growth, retweets, likes, daily reach, most popular links and much more.

Learn more about our Report Templates

5. Stay connected with your holiday campaigns with Hootsuite Mobile

Don’t forget HootSuite’s mobile app on your smartphone so you can monitor your campaign messages, reply to mentions/comments on the fly, check search streams and run updated reports.

Download the Hootsuite mobile app, available for iOS and Android.

Get your holiday social media campaign set up using Hootsuite Pro and capitalize on your social efforts.

6. Monitor your sales with app for Hootsuite

Now that you have prepared your social media strategy for the holiday rush, it’s time to see the revenue numbers grow. To help you monitor your sales during the most crucial time, install the free app for Hootsuite. Using, you can sync products from your e-commerce platform in order to help your business can track real-time product demand and see your top sales. This app can help you generate more sales during this holiday season, and plan campaigns around your most popular products for the future.

Get your social media channels ready for the holiday season with Hootsuite Pro.