Month: May 2016

search engine | 17 May 2016

How one small word makes a huge difference on Google SERPs

Recently we’ve had a lot of internal discussions about the importance of keywords and the various combinations, including match type. This discussion revealed a few interesting nuances that I thought […]

search engine | 17 May 2016

How do I make sure my site is mobile friendly? A checklist

As we reported in our SEM news round-up on Friday, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller confirmed that the latest wave of changes to Google’s mobile-friendly ranking signal has now finished […]

SEO | 16 May 2016

10 Great Books to Inspire Career Success

This post was originally published on LinkedIn.  I admit it. I’m an online ‘snack’ addict. After all, with the digital era has come an endless selection of cheap, easy and […]