Tag: Siri

search engine | 25 April 2016

Smarter digital assistants and the future of search

It’s search Jim, but not as we know it. The dream of an ultimate personal assistant isn’t a farfetched sci-fi fantasy like the interactive computing systems in Star Trek. It’s […]

search engine | 14 March 2016

Rob Kerry on the future of search: 2016 and beyond

At the inaugural Ayima Insights digital marketing conference, Ayima co-founder Rob Kerry gave us his insights into how the field of search is currently developing, and what the future may […]

search engine | 6 January 2016

What do you need to know about Voice Search?

In the last six years of owning a smartphone and all of its intrinsic technical bells and whistles, I have used its voice recognition software only once. This was a […]

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