Smart Passive Income

Why Events and Gigs are Key for Your Brand & Behind the Scenes of 1DayBB – SPI TV, Ep. 5

Welcome to Episode #5 of SPI TV! Make sure to subscribe (YouTube / iTunes) to stay on top of it every Friday when new episodes go live.

A fantastic way to generate raving fans is to create “gigs”, or special events – big or small – that go beyond the experience a reader or listener might have with your regular content.

When you can bring people together like this, you can simultaneously become more authoritative and spread word about your brand.

Any event – in-person, an online, a webinar, ahangout, a meetup – any get-together with a specific date, time and location creates anticipation. Like a concert you buy tickets for, it not only gets people excited, but that buzz can easily be shared helping to spread word about your brand leading up to your gig. Free or paid – this works extremely well.

After your gig happens, it becomes something people talk about and share. A memory and experience you created for them. It becomes proof of community, accessibility, and that you do things to go above and beyond for your audience.

Even though these gigs are just for a small percentage of people in your audience, it can have a major impact on your brand as a whole.

Chris Ducker and I put on an event called 1-Day Business Breakthrough, which you can find at where we bring a limited number of entrepreneurs together here in San Diego to mastermind, brainstorm, and come up with killer ideas to break through the barriers that are holding business owners back in their business. Putting this mini-event together with Chris is truly one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

We’ve done a number of these in the past, and on April 24th we’re doing our next one, which we’re doing much bigger than we’re used to, but it’s sure to be a ton of fun too!

In Episode #5 of SPI TV, you’ll get a glimpse of the space that we are holding for this year’s event on April 24th, 2015 and how it will be run.

Like I said, you don’t have to put on major events like this which take a lot of planning, coordination and lead time – and they don’t even have to be in person either, but when you create an opportunity for your audience to experience something more with you, and to have a little bit of access goes a very long way.

Do that, and you’ll increase your brand recognition and authority much faster than if you just stuck with all you normally do and produce.

So, how are you going to serve your audience with an “event” or “gig” in the future? Leave a comment below, and share with the SPI community. Also, if you’d done these before, talk about how they’ve worked out for you! I’m sure we can all swap ideas for different things we can do to serve our audiences in this way.

Thanks again, and make sure you get your tickets to the live 1-DayBB event on April 24th! The live studio tickets are only on sale until next Monday and there are only a few more spots left!

Cheers, and thanks again for watching SPI TV!


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