It’s time for bestselling author J.K. Rowling to announce the release of her long-awaited autobiography, Oh, Magical Me. With press interviews and fan events across the nation, the day will be packed with activity. The next 12 to 24 hours are crucial. Here are the apps that will drive social traffic, increase pre-sales, and measure the day’s success.

how to sell books with social media - listening for trends

It’s quiet in the office. Your coworkers will arrive soon, so you grab a cup of coffee and start preparing for the day.

You shut your door and open the Tumblr app for Hootsuite. This helps you quickly see early buzz about the book launch from J.K. Rowling’s community of fans.

Reddit has also created a subreddit dedicated to the release. You use the Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro app for Hootsuite to immediately find and share the relevant content that is just starting to trend.

With the TrendSpottr app for Hootsuite, you scan the top trending hashtags for book lovers in one glance.

For a deeper analysis of social chatter around the book release, you check on your Hootsuite stream of Brandwatch queries.

With a second cup of coffee in hand, you head down to connect with the marketing team. The day is in full swing.

You need to:

  • Upload a photo of J.K. Rowling and schedule approved Tweets with the official date of the book release
  • Make sure your partners at Chapters and Amazon have approved social messaging to send out on their Twitter and Facebook accounts
  • Give your New York, London, and Paris offices images and pre-approved messaging to share through their local social channels

Hootsuite’s Content Library makes this really simple. You upload images, approved Tweets, and social messaging. Everyone in your organization can now easily share this content.

You also post a quick message to notify the team, using the Yammer app for Hootsuite.

Oprah has just wept into the arms of J.K. Rowling. “Oh, Magical Me shall be a hit!” she decrees. The social media buzz breaks into a national roar.

Your press team emails you a video snippet of the Oprah interview which has been cleared for release on your social media channels.

You quickly post a snippet of the interview on YouTube, using the YouTube app for Hootsuite. You use the same YouTube app to schedule additional clips intended for publishing later in the day.

You remember to check your TrendSpotter app stream again in Hootsuite, making sure that your teams are including the top trending hashtags by fans.

Your next step is to post a longer back-stage version of the interview for your Vimeo community. The Vimeo app for Hootsuite makes this fast and simple.

Your social community has pre-ordered the book but are wondering when it will be released. You use the Zendesk app for Hootsuite to field these questions to your support teams.

On Twitter, readers are asking questions about your $197 J.K. Rowling ultimate fan book bundle. The support teams are using the SnapEngage app for Hootsuite to easily send URLs to Twitter contacts so the user can initiate a live chat. Questions on Twitter turn into more and more sales.

J.K. Rowling is a promotional machine! She has finished six radio interviews in the last hour and your PR team has sent over the best one to share on your SoundCloud channel.

You upload the audio and share the link using the SoundCloud app for Hootsuite.

People who love podcasts and radio also buy audio books. So you use the Marketo app for Hootsuite to log social activity to your Marketo database.

Any fans who retweet or favorite your Soundcloud audio interview will receive an email promotion to order the Oh, Magical Me audiobook.

You’ve generated a ton of press and interest. Now, it’s time to turn traffic into book sales and merchandise.

You use the Leadsift app for Hootsuite to analyze your social media audience. Leadsift helps you find avid fans, which you reward with a special Tweet and promo code for the book.

J.K. Rowling has also signed 50 copies of Oh, Magical Me. You quickly create a photo caption contest with Hootsuite Campaigns. You collect email signatures from contest entrants. Later, you’ll send them a special book bundle promotion and drive more pre-sale orders.

With the Mailchimp app for Hootsuite, you monitor your latest email campaign performance. This lets you grow your email list right from the Hootsuite platform.

Finally, the Shoppost app for Hootsuite makes it easy to sell products from your Amazon Webstore. You use the Shoppost app to quickly post related products on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Fans can click and buy right in their social media feeds.

Your boss wants to know how the day went. It’s late. But you still need to send a quick report to her.

Hootsuite Analytics makes it simple to build a live report, showing global social media activity for the campaign. The report includes demographics, top trending stories about the campaign, PR mentions, and total reach.

You click ‘Share.’ She’s reading the report while you’re in the elevator on your way home.

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