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Disney Dominates Halloween Keyword Ad Spend

Disney characters still reign supreme when it comes to Halloween costumes for children and adults, according to a study by AdGooroo, which analyzed data for 1,128 costume keywords that included text ads and product listing ads in August and September. AdGooroo’s study found that 31 percent of all paid search ad spend by online retailers for the Halloween keyword group was for a Disney-related search term.

Of the total $2.9 million spent on ads by retailers for the time period, $720,000 was spent on Disney-branded keywords. An additional $168,000 was spent on keywords relating to Marvel superheroes and Star Wars (also owned by Disney).

Unsurprisingly, keywords relating to hit animated movie Frozen took both the number one and number three spots on the list (see below for AdGooroo’s full list of the top 20 Halloween costumes by paid search spend).

The top four spots all went to female costumes, which accounted for 11 of the top 20 searches, while only four were male and five were unisex.


Halloween Isn’t Just for Kids

Adults are also searching for costumes for themselves. Over the same time period, $67,000 was spent on keywords for costumes that contained the word “sexy,” with another $42,000 was spent on keywords that fall into the “adult” category, such as French Maid, Playboy Bunny, Bond Girl, and Jessica Rabbit costumes.

Who Invested and Won This Halloween?

With a staggering $2 million spent in August and September on Halloween paid search, it’s important we understand who the players are. The top 10 spenders, according to AdGooroo, are as follows:


AdGooroo also uncovered that these advertisers spent a staggering 58 percent more on text ads than product listing ads.

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