Since its inception, Pinterest has been associated with DIY projects, wedding planning, recipes, and so on. Whether or not it was the platform’s intention, the majority of the content on Pinterest has so far been created by and targeted to females. But Pinterest is looking to change that perception by expanding its search functionality to include more topics that it thinks will appeal to men.

The social site may have a tough road ahead, as according to a comScore survey of Pinterest’s user base, approximately 71 percent of Pinterest’s 72.5 million visitors in the month of December 2014 were female.

What Changes Are Being Made?

Many of the most popular topics on Pinterest appeal to both males and females. So in order to better reach the male population, Pinterest will begin making some subtle changes to search functionality. For example, in the food/cooking category Pinterest will start displaying more results for items such as tacos and pizzas alongside baked goods and family meals.

Why Is Pinterest Making Changes?

Many brands feel like they are missing out on opportunities with the addition of “Promoted Pins.” If Pinterest begins appealing more to men, then it can cast a wider net with its advertising.

Do Men Prefer Video or Static Images?

Eric Sass from MediaPost shared a somewhat controversial take on why Pinterest appeals more to women than to men. He shared the following comment:

“Although I am going out on a limb here, I also think there is are important underlying differences in the ways men and women pursue their interests and hobbies. I know this may sound too simplistic or stereotypical, and I fully expect some criticism for saying it, but in my view women’s pursuits lend themselves more to static images, a la Pinterest, while men’s lend themselves more to video, like YouTube.”

Time to Weigh In

While Pinterest may be improving search functionality to appeal to men, that doesn’t change the fact that men were not originally drawn to the platform’s concept. Do you think that making more content available for men will have an impact on expanding Pinterest’s user base?