This week, Bing released a slew of new features, including the integration of AMBER Alerts into the SERP and a few updates for mobile search.

AMBER stands for America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response and the alerts are a way to notify the public about child abductions. They are disseminated in a variety of ways, including radio, TV, highway signs, mobile notifications, websites, and now, search.

Active AMBER Alerts will appear on the Bing search page for queries that seek them. Users can automatically see these alerts if they directly search for “amber alert” and they are in a relevant geographical location, or if they type in a specific location where an AMBER Alert is active, such as “amber alert Madison County MS,” as shown below.

Along with AMBER Alerts, Bing has improved its local search for mobile to make it easier for users to find their favorite bars, lounges, and restaurants.

For example, when a user enters a broad query like “Bars in Capitol Hill Seattle,” the user will get a more “localized” list, which shows the key information about the bar itself.

Based on the information, the user can decide which bar they want to go to. Once the user clicks on the bar’s name, Bing search will display more details about the bar, including a picture, Yelp reviews, and social media information. The user can also take quick action with the handy buttons that will allow them to call, get directions, or visit the bar’s website.

If you use Bing search on your mobile, perhaps you can test the new features when you hang out with family and friends this holiday season!

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