Tag: CTR

search engine | 3 June 2019

The fall of ad copy, long live ad copy

As digital advertisers, driving strong performance is at the heart of what we do. But, what is the true goal of paid search ad copy? If clicks, conversions, and demand […]

search engine | 11 December 2018

14 ranking signals you need to optimize for in 2019

It’s a well-known fact that there are over 200 ranking signals used by Google. And every year it keeps on tweaking and refining its algorithm introducing new ranking signals and […]

search engine | 21 September 2016

Five tips to maximise content ROI for every industry

An effective content marketing strategy needs to be customised to the demands of each industry. Here are five tips to increase your ROI. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach in content marketing, […]