Month: November 2015

SEO | 19 November 2015

Learn How Social Content Can Impact Revenue

Thinking about how much of your day is spent scrolling past Tweets, Facebook posts, search results, or emails that don’t catch your attention should give you an idea of how […]

search engine | 19 November 2015

Three B2B landing pages and how they were improved

Business-to-business pay per click can be a very different beast to business-to-customer. You’re working with complex purchases, long lead times and a different content approach. While best practices may […]

search engine | 19 November 2015

What is app indexing and why is it important?

Imagine a version of Google where any search you do on your mobile will serve results from not just the mobile web but the apps on your phone too… […]

SEO | 18 November 2015

7 Twitter Analytics You Should Check Right Now

Analytics. The word even sounds scary. Something about that ‘y’ in the middle. When you’re learning a new skill or adapting to new techniques and technologies, the last thing you […]

search engine | 17 November 2015

How to set up a content marketing radar station in Slack

I’ve just launched a new startup called EmpiricalProof, aimed squarely at ecommerce, marketing and UX professionals. I’m focused on product vision, content marketing and growth, and am currently putting a […]